Mersenne prim numbers

Try to calc the first Mersenne prim numbers.
They all are build with 2n -1; where n are prim numbers.
Not all prim n works!

using 4 thread based calculation

#nchk time for 2n -1datethreaddiscovery datediscovered by
M12 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(0) --
M23 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(0)--
M35 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(1)--
M47 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(2)--
M513 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(1)1456-
M617 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(3)1555Johann Scheubel
M719 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(0)1555Scheubel
M831 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(2)1772Leonhard Euler
M961 0,01 s2021-02-23 18:27(1)1883Iwan Michejowitsch Perwuschin
M1089 0,00 s2021-02-23 18:27(3)1911Ralph E. Powers
M11107 0,02 s2021-02-23 18:27(0)1914Powers
M12127 0,01 s2021-02-23 18:27(2)1876Édouard Lucas
M13521 0,02 s2021-02-23 18:27(3)1952-01-30Raphael M. Robinson
M14607 0,03 s2021-02-23 18:27(2)1952-01-30Robinson
M151279 0,02 s2021-02-23 18:27(2)1952-06-25Robinson
M162203 0,08 s2021-02-23 18:27(0)1952-10-07Robinson
M172281 0,09 s2021-02-23 18:27(3)1952-10-09Robinson
M183217 0,19 s2021-02-23 18:27(3)1957-09-08Hans Riesel
M194253 0,41 s2021-02-23 18:27(1)1961-11-03Alexander Hurwitz
M204423 0,47 s2021-02-23 18:27(2)1961-11-03Hurwitz
M219689 3,30 s2021-02-23 18:31(3)1963-05-11Donald B. Gillies
M229941 3,46 s2021-02-23 18:32(1)1963-05-16Gillies
M2311213 4,52 s2021-02-23 18:34(1)1963-06-02Gillies
M2419937 21,21 s2021-02-23 19:19(3)1971-03-04Bryant Tuckerman
M2521701 28,14 s2021-02-23 19:36(1)1978-10-30Landon Curt Noll, Laura Nickel
M2623209 32,59 s2021-02-23 19:56(3)1979-02-09Noll
M2744497 169,72 s2021-02-24 08:32(3)1979-04-08David Slowinski, Harry Nelson
M28862430.2 hours2021-03-01 13:51(0)1982-09-25Slowinski
M291105030.4 hours2021-03-09 10:47(2)1988-01-28Walter Colquitt, Luther Welsh Jr.
M301320490.7 hours2021-03-20 20:22(3)1983-09-20Slowinski
M312160912.3 hours2021-09-13 12:24(0) 1985-09-06Slowinski
2.3 hours2021-09-12 20:29(0)
2.5 hours2021-07-12 22:30(0)

2021-09-11: my ZOTAC server was rebooted due to power failure.
The long running process to find mersenne numbers is stopped.
2021-09-12: update MyPrim.jar, so we can restart at last known position.
2021-12-29: stopped Server due to enable https and force restart.

Analysed so far:
Thread 0: PrimIdx=22796 n=259499 2022-03-12 16:49
Thread 1: PrimIdx=22797 n=259507 2022-03-12 16:49
Thread 2: PrimIdx=22798 n=259517 2022-03-12 16:49
Thread 3: PrimIdx=22799 n=259531 2022-03-12 16:49

Rolf LANG - Remsstr. 39 - 71384 Weinstadt | 08:27:37 up 69 days, 8:39, 0 user, load average: 0.27, 0.19, 0.14